Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Family Post

Nancy is resting, Dennis and Glenn are out and about and I had some time to do a short blog with a couple of photos of our home here and a short trip we took to the center of Guadalajara yesterday

You can tell by the orange juice it was after breakfast. The toilet paper is used for napkins and blowing noses.
It is so nice to have wirless internet. Not once this journey have we had to find an internet cafe and then figure out how to function in it. Glenn did not bring his lap top as he is on his way to Peru to surf so we are sharing two computors with 4 people so they stay pretty busy.
It is just a 20 minute, 40 cent bus ride from here in Tlaquepaque to the center of Guadalajara and each time we go we like it a bit more. I am not sure what they were looking at but something that held their interest.

Downtown Guadalajara has many walk streets which Nancy and I love. They seem to be all very busy and great places for people watching. This is one such street.

And here we are all walking down a very similar street.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ron, Nancy,Glen and Dennis: Your adventures look like so much fun. I hope you are having a good time and won't need to buy a new computer when you get back, because your computer was worn out from so much use. Hope things are well and we love you. Thanks for the blogs. Love Jim, Nancy and Annie

Carolyn said...

It is snowing tonight which you will probably not miss!

Carolyn said...

It is snowing tonight which you will probably not miss!