Sunday, March 15, 2009

In Search of a Festival

Before we left home we had word of a festival in a small town called Bernal, an hour away by bus from Queretaro. It was to take place yesterday and today. We thought it was worth a viewing so early yesterday morning we headed to the bus station to catch an hourly bus that was heading to Bernal. We arrived 5 minutes too late and that bus was gone and the next one was not leaving for 55 more minutes, too much time to waste.

There is another town, called Teguis, also an hour away from Queretaro and in the direction of Bernal, that we had wanted to check out for its hot springs and happening week ends and there was a bus going there in 10 minutes so very quickly we changed our plans and headed to Teguis.

Arrived in an hour and we were most pleased with our decision as it was a really sweet little town and we loved the ambiance. The hot springs in each of the many and beautiful hotels were not very hot as over the years, for whatever reason, they have just cooled down. We had some thoughts of moving there for one night but the lack of hot water in the pools changed our minds.

The following pictures are scenes from that town. The first one is walking into the central park.

Just a pretty church in the central park.

And in the central park and doing what I do best and most often, checking my guide book.A pretty courtyard in one of the many hotels we checked out.

We still wanted to get to the festival in Bernal, tried really hard to find a bus to take us there but there was only one late in the evening so for $15, we hired a taxi to take us the 40 km to Bernal. He was a friendly taxi driver and 30 minute trip was quick. He took us right to the center of Bernal which we expected it to a bee hive of activity, you know with all the festival stuff going on.

Well it was not. For that matter it was very quiet so we started asking questions and soon found out the festival was not in this town but in a town near the town we had just taken a taxi from, Teguis.

But the town looked worthwhile and a little bit magical also, so we wandered around and it too was very nice.
Besides being a pretty town it had a magical mountain right at its outskirts but way too high for any of us to climb.
Another pretty church in the center of Bernal. It was a pretty small town

Debi and Van found us a place for lunch in Bernal and it was one of the best lunches of all times. It was very local and consisted of blue corn tortillas filled with a vartiety of fillings, mushrooms, sausage, cactus and other things. My it was yummy. We each ate three.

This is a courtyard of a restaurant that we had checked out earlier. Just sort of pretty.

A street scene from the town of Bernal.

In Queretaro there are many, many beautiful parks and they seem to be all very busy. Every one of them has this sign and it translates that there is free wireless internet in all the parks. And the weather is conducive to sitting in the park with your laptop. How marvelous except we do not have our laptop.


Unknown said...

I'll bet you bring a laptop next time! You may be able to leave the guidebook at home. love from Dennis

Carolyn said...

I have been trying to find the quote about "the best laid plans of mice and men...?" but have been unable to do so. Anyways just following whatever comes your way seems to work well for you. I think that you should consider carrying a small laptop so that you can take advantage of outdoor access.
It is very warm (10 C) and windy here and it is supposed to be in the double digits by next weekend.
Looking forward to your next adventure.

Unknown said...

Carolyn, you got me curious

"the title (of Mice and Men) is taken from Robert Burns's poem, To a Mouse, which is often quoted as: "The best-laid plans of mice and men/often go awry," though the phrase in the original Scots of the poem is "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men/Gang aft agley.""

From Wikipedia

Papa, you are just trying to make us jealous of your carefree lifestyle and agile changing of plans.
xx d