Friday, February 22, 2008

Bits and Pieces

We have some photos that don´t really fit into any group big enough for a blog on their own but they are ones we wanted to share so it is bits and pieces.

This lady and her son, dressed traditionally, were most friendly and allowed us to take their photos.
Just a better picture of her son. He was so cute and liked the candy we gave him.
Just a very beautiful and very nice Colombian woman. You will learn more about her in a future blog.
If you make this picture larger you can see a man working in the field. On the mountains this is the way the work is done.
About a week ago the owners of our hotel in Pitalito invited us to take a jeep ride into the country to visit a small farm owned by a friend of theirs. The lady behind Nancy and the man at the end of the table are the owners of the hotel, the woman seated is the owner of the farm and the standing lady is her maid.
This is a cactus and you see two huge cactus berries growing on them. She picked them and gave them to us for breakfast in the morning.
This is what they looked like inside and they were oh so delicious.
A few people have asked us about the cocaine industry. It grows wild in Colombia and this tree is a coco tree that is growing in the back yard of this small farm. Only the leaves are used for making cocaine. And this picture is all we will be bringing home.
And again, if you make this picture larger you will see a different man working in a different field. The crop is coffee.
Just so damn much hard work. Two young men, two small spades and a huge pile of wet, wet clay to load in the back of this truck.

With the help of one of our techie sons Nancy put over 1000 songs and 9 books on her Ipod and it sure makes the time go by on long bus rides. We also have a splitter so we can each have our own headset rather than sharing one headset.

Just a partial list of the many wonderful juices that are made in Colombia. Not everyone has heard about Vatican II. The man is a priest so he got the message but didn´t pass it on to all of his parishioners. Actually, many of the nuns in Colombia are dressed in this manner.

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